Members Assistance Program

No one living with problems should suffer alone.
How am I coping with today’s lifestyle?

Are you experiencing difficulties with personal problems? This is why the M.A.P. is there for you and your family.

As a UA Member, you and your family have access to Telus Health One, a program that helps with any work, health or life matter. This includes one on one counselling sessions, online self-help programs, and a multitude of other resources like legal consolations, health and weight management, addictions, anxiety, depression and crisis intervention – at no additional cost.
Telus Health One is available by Mobile App, Phone or Web.

To access all the programs available to you, visit

David Hedley, Executive Director
Tel: (613) 742-7962
Emergency Line: (613) 742-5257
Toll Free: 1-800-258-0580

What kind of problems can the M.A.P. help you with?

Here are some of the most common lifestyle issues:

  1. Alcohol and drug problems
  2. Communication
  3. Family violence
  4. Abuse (verbal, sexual, physical)
  5. Divorce or separation
  6. Financial
  7. Legal
  8. Gambling

Your M.A.P. counselor understands that asking for assistance for lifestyle problems is difficult for most. Your counselor is there to assist and to guide you to the proper agencies that will suit you the best.

Emotional and psychological

Certain traumatic events such as death of a loved one, depression, physical or emotional abuse can greatly affect your quality of life. Your M.A.P. Counselor can give you the support to help you deal with these stressful events.

Substance abuse

Substance abuse will often create problems at work and in the family. Alcohol and drug abuse is sometimes related to abuse in the family. It is important to remember that we are dealing with a disease. The M.A.P. has a counselor that is well qualified in substance abuse.

These services are at no cost to members or family members.

Join UA Local 71

Join the union in either apprenticeship, or if you are already a certified plumber, steamfitter or welder, as a journeyman.
